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索引号Shen, Yixing; Zhu, Hong, transl., “Eight Criteria in Writing a History of the Shanghai Labor Movement” (1993)
类型Journal article
作者Shen, Yixing; Zhu, Hong, transl.
题名“Eight Criteria in Writing a History of the Shanghai Labor Movement”
期刊Chinese Studies in History
关键字political; labor
摘要The eight criteria for any study of the Shanghai labor movement are: 1) recognition that urban masses played a supporting role in the revolution; 2) given the semifeudal, semicolonial structure of China, national interests often prevailed over class interests and the resulting united front must be recognized; 3) the strength of the adversaries and roles of neutrals must be considered; 4) the coverage must not be limited to strikes but must present the full range of workers' activities; 5) the national bourgeoisie must be treated so as to illustrate its complexity; 6) Shanghai's role in the last stage of the revolution should be stressed; 7) the "safeguard-the-factories" movement must be noted; and 8) a Marxist materialist perspective is called for.
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