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索引号Meyer, Maisie J., “The interrelationship of Jewish communities in Shanghai” (2000)
类型Journal article
作者Meyer, Maisie J.
题名“The interrelationship of Jewish communities in Shanghai”
期刊Immigrants and Minorities
关键字foreigners; war
摘要1938 was a year of despair for the Jews of Austria and Germany. in July, the delegates from 32 nations who met at Evian-les-Bains, France, to identify refugee havens for the victims of Nazi persecution, made it clear that the world would not accept large numbers of refugees. Shanghai being an open port was one of the few exceptions. at that time there were already two Jewish communities in this remote corner of the world and their interaction with each other and with the refugees from Nazi oppression is the subject of this article. My main focus will be on the first Jewish community which was made up of Jews from Baghdad.
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