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索引号Martin, Brian G., “The Pact With the Devil": the Relationship Between the Green Gang and the French Concession Authorities 1925-1935” (1989)
类型Journal article
作者Martin, Brian G.
题名“The Pact With the Devil": the Relationship Between the Green Gang and the French Concession Authorities 1925-1935”
期刊Papers on Far Eastern History
关键字political; crime; foreigners
摘要Analyzes the relationship that developed in the late 1920's and early 1930's between the Green Gang bosses and the Shanghai French Concession authorities. in the French Concession, at least, there was a significant community of interest between the French authorities and the gangster organization, which reflected institutional and administrative imperatives and not merely transient arrangements among corrupt individuals. The relationship was that of a changing balance of forces that reflected the influence of external factors, such as changes in the Chinese and French political environments. This cooperative relationship played an important role in the emergence of a system of organized crime in Shanghai.
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