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题名Shang Hai Fu Nv Zhi 上海妇女志
作者Shang Hai Fu Nv Zhi Bian Zuan Wei Yuan Hui 《上海妇女志》编纂委员会
出版社shanghai she hui ke xue yuan chu ban she 上海社会科学院出版社
出版地Shanghai 上海

Shanghai is the cradle of the Chinese working class and the largest economic center in China. It is also a place where female workers and educated women are relatively concentrated. For a long time, Shanghai women have been striving for self-improvement and unity. In the New Democratic Revolution and the Socialist Revolution and construction, they played the role of the 'half of the sky.' Since the reform and opening up, Shanghai women have displayed a new demeanor of self-respect, self-improvement, and active progress. They have embraced an open mindset towards the whole country and the world, a dedication to work, and a spirit of contributing to society. They have been active in various fields of political, economic, and social life, producing a group of contemporary female heroes embodying the unique charm of Shanghai women, earning praise and admiration from society.

The 'Shanghai Women's Chronicles' comprehensively and systematically reflect the history and current situation of Shanghai women. It not only enriches the cultural treasury of local chronicles, helping us understand the situation of Shanghai women, but also serves as a positive influence for us to understand Marxist views on women, implement the basic state policy of gender equality, and promote the development and progress of Shanghai women.

The progress of women is a symbol of social progress. Respecting and protecting women is the moral trend that a civilized society should follow. We hope that the whole society will care about women's work, effectively safeguard the equal status and rights of women in national politics, economics, and social life, and create better conditions for their participation in social production and various activities. Women's federations and women's organizations at all levels should listen to the voices of women, do their best to alleviate their worries, educate and unite women from all walks of life, promote the spirit of 'self-respect, self-confidence, self-reliance, and self-strengthening,' actively engage in reform and opening up and modernization, fully utilize their intelligence and wisdom, and further play the role of the 'half of the sky.

上海是中国工人阶级的摇篮和中国最大的经济中心城市,也是女职工和知识妇女较为集中的地方。长期以来,上海妇女自强不息,团结奋斗,在新民主主义革命和社会主义革命与建设中,都发挥了“半边天”的作用。改革开放以来,上海妇女更以自尊自强、积极进取的崭新风貌,面向全国、走向世界的开放意识,爱岗敬业、报效社会的奉献精神,活跃在政治、经济、社会生活的各个领域,涌现了一批具有时代精神、体现上海妇女独特风采的巾帼英雄,受到了社会的好评和称颂。 《上海妇女志》全面系统地反映了上海妇女的历史和现状,不仅丰富了地方志的文化宝库,有助于我们了解上海妇女的情况,而且对我们以史为鉴,正确认识马克思主义的妇女观,进一步贯彻男女平等的基本国策,推动上海妇女的发展和进步,将起到积极的作用。 妇女的进步是社会进步的标志。尊重妇女、保护妇女是文明社会应有的道德风尚。希望全社会都来关心妇女工作,切实维护妇女在国家政治、经济和社会生活中的平等地位和各项权益,为她们参加社会生产和各项社会活动创造更好的条件。各级妇联和妇女组织更要倾听妇女的呼声,尽力为她们排忧解难,教育和团结各界妇女,努力发扬“自尊、自信、自立、自强”精神,积极投身改革开放和现代化建设,充分施展聪明才智,进一步发挥“半边天”作用。

关键字(英文)Women History, Shanghai
题目Women History, History of Shanghai
历史时期Ancient China To Comtemporary China
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