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460Masonic Hall (left) and Probst & Co. (right) on the Bund.18601860-1879

1187Ningbo Guild18801880-1910

1356Y.M.C.A building19901990-1999

1357YMCA headquarters (foreigners)19201920-1999

1361Pudong Native-Place Association19211930-1945

1374Bank Guild Hall 滬北錢業會館18901890-1911

1506Park Hotel, foreign Y.M.C.A. and China United Apartments19341934-1939

1658Bank Guild Hall 滬北錢業會館19201920-1929

1668Gate of the Ningbo Guild Hall19001900-1909

2081New building of the Ningpo Guild1921

2085Shanghai Public Benevolent Cemetery1937

2087Shanghai Public Benevolent Cemetery19301930-1939

2089Pudong Native-Place Association1921

2091Early Ningpo Guild In Shanghai 寧波旅滬同鄉會19091909-1929

2092Corner stone of the Y.M.C.A building1921

2093China Air Transport Association1936

2094Free porridge for the poor in Zhabei19251925-1945

2237The Buddhist monks ambulance corpsAugust 1937

2423Chinese Red Cross nurses collect fund for refugeesNovember 1937

14907Masonic Hall1897

15285Children's corpses collected and encoffined by the Tongren fuyuantang1947

15286A Body Collector of the Tongren Fuyuantang1947

16406Masonic Hall1907

17598Masonic Hall18791879

17886Masonic Hall1909

17903Masonic Hall (left) and Pustau & Co. (right) on the Bund.1886

17904Masonic Hall (left) and Pustau & Co. (right) on the Bund.1886

23986Funeral of Zheng Zhengqiu 鄭正秋 (Star Motion Movie Company)1935

25232Refugees waiting to boad a ship to leave Shanghai1937

25422Collecting truck of the Shanghai Public Benevolent Cemetery - 普善山莊1949

32723New Puyutang 新普育堂1911-1915

33914Pushan shanzhuang collecting station 普善山莊1938-1943

33917Pushan shanzhuang loading truck1938-1943

33920Pushan shanzhuang loading truck 普善山莊1938-1943

34391The Comptoir d'escompte de Paris (left), Masonic Hall (center) and Probst & Co. (right) on the Bund18601865-1890

34589The workers of the Shanghai Public Benevolent Cemetery just spotted the corpse of an infant (1) - 普善山莊1949

34590The workers of the Shanghai Public Benevolent Cemetery bring a coffin to encoffin the corpse of an infant (2) - 普善山莊1949

34591The workers of the Shanghai Public Benevolent Cemetery place the corpse of an infant in a coffin (3) - 普善山莊1949

34592The workers of the Shanghai Public Benevolent Cemetery bring several coffins of corpses picked up in the street (4) - 普善山莊1949

34593The workers of the Shanghai Public Benevolent Cemetery load coffins of corpses picked up in the street onto their truck (5.1) - 普善山莊1949

34594The workers of the Shanghai Public Benevolent Cemetery load coffins of corpses picked up in the street onto their truck (5.2) - 普善山莊1949

34595The workers of the Shanghai Public Benevolent Cemetery drive away with the coffins of corpses picked up in the street (6) - 普善山莊1949

34597Charity cemetery Hongqiao1938-1943

34598Charity cemetery Hongqiao1938-1943

34599Charity cemetery Hongqiao1938-1943

34673Seat of the Rickshaw Pullers Mutual Aid Association1934-1936

34674Seat of the Rickshaw Pullers Mutual Aid Association1934-1936

34786YMCA headquarters (foreign YMCA)Wednesday 20 January 19321920-1999

34806Street scene in the Pootung District of Shanghai1931-1934

34808Main entrance gate to National Good Roads Exhibition, Shanghai 1931

34819Inaugurating the Industrial Narrow Gauge Railway Exhibit on Opening Day at the Good Roads ExhibitionSaturday 12 September 1931

34902The Chinese Y.M.C.A. Wednesday 20 January 1932

34917Foreign Y.M.C.A.Wednesday 20 January 1932

34947International Committee of the Y.M.C.A.1936

34984New foreign Y.M.C.A. building
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