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题名夜店 — Night inn - Ye dian
导演Huang Zuolin 黄佐临
编剧Ke Ling 柯灵
演员Shi Hui 石挥
Tong Zhiling 童芷苓
Zhou Xuan 周璇
Zhang Fa 张伐
发行社Wen hua ying pian gong si - 文华影片公司 - Wenhua Film Company
剧情Mr Wen's tavern shelters a prostitute, a pici-pocket, a pedlar, a street performer, and a dustman. Yang, the pickpocket, generously distributes his loot to his friends in the inn. He had earlier been involved with Mrs Wen, but he now falls in love with her sister, Xiaomei - causing the jealous Mrs Wen to abuse Xiaomei. Mrs Wen confides her frustrations to her former lover, Mr Fang, who suggests that she free herself from her husband by murdering him and avenge herself on Yang by selling Xiaomei to the brothel.

On e of the tenants, Mrs Lai, is seriously ill and can not afford to pay her rent. Mr Wen goes after her ruthlessly. Mrs Lai gives Mr Wen a gold ring she has treasured for many years because it was given to her by her ormer employer as a reward for a decade's service, but Mr Wen points out that the ring is only gold-plated and hence worthless. Upon hearing this, Mrs Lai passes out. Yang wants to find a decent job so as to be worthy of Xiaomei's love. After being rejected by several potential emplyers, he finally lands a position at a black-smith's. Mrs Wen proposes to Yang that he kill her husband in exchange for Xiaomei, but Yang declines the offer. Mrs Wen then kills her husband bypoisoning his tea. Yang is arrested as the suspect and sentenced to ten years in prison. Xiaomei is raped by a man hired by Mrs Wen and is sold to the brothel. In the end, Fang confesses the scheme to the police and both he and Mrs Wen are arrested. Xiaomei commits suicide. (Encyclopedia of Chinese Cinema, ed. Xiao Zhiwei and Zhang Yingjin)

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