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题名万家灯火 - Myriads of Lights - Wan jia deng huo
导演Shen Fu 沈浮
编剧Yang Hansheng 阳翰笙;Shen Fu 沈浮
演员Shangguan Yunzhu 上官云珠
Lan Ma 蓝马
Qi Heng 齐衡
Wu Yin 吴茵
发行社Kun lun ying ye gong si - 昆仑影业公司 - Kunlun Film Stuido

This film is about Zhiqing and Youlan, a couple with a young daughter in post war Shanghai. Zhiqing overstated his wealth and general living, so his impoverished mom, brother, sister in law and two children come to Shanghai to live. It turns out, Zhiqing lives in one room, so it is very difficult. Then the boss, who was a towns fellow of Zhiqing and who was also helped greatly growing up by Zhiqing's mom, pulls a shady business move and everyone is fired, including Zhuqing. So the question is how can Zhiqing support all these people, including a pregnant wife?

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