22 documents
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资料编号 题名 作者 年份 
118Name, address, and number of employees in the largest licensed establishments (établissement classé) of the French Concession (1939)French Municipal Administration1939
72Name, address, and number of schoolchildren in the French Concession (1939)French Municipal Administration1939
55Natality and mortality in two urban districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
34Number and percentage of factories in operation in 1943 and 1944Wang, Yizong1943
71Number and types of households of the population in the Huangpu district of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
66Number and types of industries in two districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
65Number and types of shops in six districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
135Number of deaths and age at time of death of the Chinese population in the International Settlement (1923-1940)Shanghai Municipal Council1923
161Number of deaths and death rate of foreigners in the International Settlement (1871-1882)Shanghai Municipal Council1871
155Number of deaths and death rate of the Chinese and foreign population in the International Settlement of Shanghai (1913-1926)Shanghai Municipal Council1913
17Number of deaths and mortality rate in the Shanghai Municipality (1946-1948)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
21Number of deaths from infectious diseases in the International Settlement (1890-1944)Shanghai Municipal Council1890
4Number of exposed corpses and abandoned coffins collected by the Shanghai Public Cemetery (Pushan shanzhuang) in Shanghai (1915-1951)Christian Henriot1915
176Number of hospitals and hospital beds in the International Settlement (1930)Shanghai Municipal Council1930
127Number of households by type of occupation in the Hongkou district of the Shanghai Municipality (1948)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1948
173Number of houses and residents subject to taxation in the International Settlement (1870-1895)Shanghai Municipal Council1870
175Number of houses and residents subject to taxation in the International Settlement (1900)Shanghai Municipal Council1900
172Number of houses in the International Settlement (1889-1902)Shanghai Municipal Council1889
170Number of new admittances per day in a second-class lodging house in the Western District of the International Settlement (1930)Shanghai Municipal Council1930
150Number of recorded deaths in the eight sanitary districts of the International Settlement (1903)Shanghai Municipal Council1903
60Number of shops in the districts of the French Concession (1937)French Municipal Administration1937
164Number of unemployed foreigners in the Shanghai Municipality (1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1946
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