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题名Survey of the number of "congested houses" in the International Settlement (1935)
作者Shanghai Municipal Council
资料提供者Christian Henriot

This table provides a breakdown of the Chinese houses by level of occupancy (number of families per house)   in the thirteen police districts of the International Settlement of Shanghai in 1935. In this survey only the houses considered as "congested" were recorded, even with a single family. The districts with congested houses include: Chengtu, Kashing, Wayside, West Hongkew, Yangtszepoo, and Yulin. Except for Chengtu, located in the Western District, all the other police districts are located in the Nortern and Eastern districts. The "Chinese house" label designate a type of construction, not necessarily its occupants.

关键词demography ; population ; density ; housing ; family ; International settlement
file attachment

IS_13districtsPolice_CongestedFamilies_1935.xlsx (12.5 ko)

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