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题名Yangjingbang Creek at the Sanmaoge Bridge (三茅閣橋)
系列Virtual Shanghai
地点Shanghai IS
图像类型Black and white photograph
文件类型及分辨率PNG 150dpi

The Yangjingbang was the name of the creek which separated the International Settlement and the French Concession. It was filled up by decision of the French Municipal Council in May 1915 and renamed Avenue Edward VII. The former bridges were disassembld for use in other locations. The two foreign councils supported the cost of deconstructing the stone bridge on the Bund.

Source: Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française, Compte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1915, 16, 25, 35, 39, 42, 44

Discussions about culverting the Yangjingbang Creek started as early as 1903, but it took ten years for the two settlements to reach an agreement. The main concern about the creek was sanitation and its appearance. At the same time, there was also a concern to maintain a useful waterway that ran through the settlements.

Source: Annual report of the Shanghai Municipal Council, 1903, 286-292

关键字(英文)boat ; river ; Yangjingbang ; canal ; Yangkingpang ; wheelbarrow ; clothing ; shop ; pedestrian ; bridge ; umbrella
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