12 documents
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文件编号 原始題名 年份 年代 拼音 

86Eastern China - Shanghai1927Eastern China - Shanghai

561Educational, Cultural and Commercial Activities in the Public Parks2008Educational, Cultural and Commercial Activities in the Public Parks

598Electric installation of Koukaza Park1939

601Extension of Koukaza Park1917

730Eastern China - Shanghai1934Eastern China - Shanghai

866Evolution of the number of industrial concerns in the International Settlement (1936-1938)2011Evolution of the number of industrial concerns in the International Settlement (1936-1938)

867Evolution of the industrial workforce in the International Settlement (1936-1938)2011Evolution of the industrial workforce in the International Settlement (1936-1938)

869Evolution of the number of industrial concerns in the International Settlement (1935-1940) on a 250-meter Grid2011Evolution of the number of industrial concerns in the International Settlement (1935-1940) on a 250-meter Grid

870Evolution of the industrial workforce in the International Settlement (1935-1940) on a 250-meter grid2011Evolution of the industrial workforce in the International Settlement (1935-1940) on a 250-meter grid

871Evolution of the industrial workforce in the International Settlement (1935-1940)2011Evolution of the industrial workforce in the International Settlement (1935-1940)

882Evolution of the industrial workforce in the International Settlement between 1936 and 19382011Evolution of the industrial workforce in the International Settlement between 1936 and 1938

884Evolution of the industrial workforce in the newly-opened factories in the International Settlement (1936-1938 and 1938-1939)2011Evolution of the industrial workforce in the newly-opened factories in the International Settlement (1936-1938 and 1938-1939)
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