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索引号Yating, Tang; Dreyfus, “Reconstructing the vanished musical life of the Shanghai Jewish diaspora: a report” (2004)
类型Journal article
作者Yating, Tang; Dreyfus
题名“Reconstructing the vanished musical life of the Shanghai Jewish diaspora: a report”
期刊Ethnomusicology forum
摘要In the 100+ years between 1840 and 1945, Shanghai was home to a number of Jewish diaspora communities, not all of whom came, but all of whom left as refugees. Each of these communities maintained its own traditions and practices; in modern Shanghai only a few historic buildings and sites remain. in this report of my ethnomusicological 'study at home', I use rare ephemera and other documents to reconstruct a now vanished musical world, assembling evidence of actual musical events, their purposes, participants and repertoire. I observe the many and varied ways in which music functioned as a (subjective) marker of cultural identity within a self-enclosed cultural enclave that was characterized more by its heterogeneity than by the commonality suggested by its Jewishness.
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