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索引号Bickers, Robert A., “Death of a young Shanghaïlander: the Thorburn case and the defence of the British treaty ports in China in 1931”, (1996)
类型Journal article
作者Bickers, Robert A.
题名“Death of a young Shanghaïlander: the Thorburn case and the defence of the British treaty ports in China in 1931”,
期刊Modern Asian studies,
关键字foreigners; social; colonialism; diplomacy
摘要In May 1931 a British youth from Shanghai, John Hay Thorburn, disappeared and was subsequently presumed to have been killed by the Chinese military, having been accused of shooting two Chinese gendarmes on the strategically important Shanghai-Nanjing railway. The affair sparked off a diplomatic row which seriously threatened negotiations then underway between the British and Nationalist Chinese governments to put an end to the system of extraterritoriality put in place by the "unequal treaties" which followed the Opium Wars of the mid-19th century. The case acted as a powerful focus for the mobilization of British opinion against reform among the treaty port communities or "Shanghailanders."
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