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Title Year Author(s) Abstract 
Xun zhao xu chuan xian 寻找徐传贤2022Li,Yong(李勇,笔名十年砍柴,shi nian kan chai as his pseudonym)

“Seeking Xu Chuanxian: From Shanghai to Beijing" (xun zhao xu chuan xian: cong shang hai dao bei jing) is a biography about Xu Chuanxian, a Chinese postal figure. The author Shi Nian Kan Chai analyzes and presents Xu Chuanxian's life within the context of the era and interpersonal networks. The book draws from historical records, archived documents, industry-related materials, and accounts from individuals who interacted with Xu Chuanxian. The author also conducted in-depth research at historical sites in Shanghai, Chongqing, Hunan, Beijing, Henan, and other places to faithfully explore Xu's life and work, providing a genuine, rich, and profound portrayal of the extraordinary and bittersweet life of a Chinese intellectual in the 20th century. Simultaneously, it bears witness to the development of China's postal system from weakness to strength, reflecting the life trajectory and era's destiny of a generation of intellectuals. The book aims to enable more people to understand the dedicated and upward endeavors of the unsung heroes in that era of significant historical transformations.

The book primarily revolves around Xu Chuanxian's activities from Shanghai to Beijing, with a secondary focus on his father, Xu Xichun (founder of the Qingpu branch of the Chinese Red Cross Society), to illustrate the choices and role of traditional families during the turbulence of the late Qing and early Republican periods, recognizing the significant impact of family and lineage in China's societal transformation. Moreover, the book reflects on the relationship between the "twin cities" of China – Shanghai and Beijing – over the past century and their crucial roles in the country's modern history. It delves into their interactions in areas such as power and capital, conservatism and innovation, introversion and extroversion, localization, and globalization, which reached a delicate balance influencing not only China but also the world. From this perspective, the book can also be viewed as Xu Chuanxian's "Tale of Two Cities," wherein the cultural differences and the relationship between Shanghai and Beijing are projected onto Xu Chuanxian's life.

Xu Chuanxian's life spanned three eras: he was born in 1908 during the late Qing Dynasty, spent most of his life in the tumultuous period of the Republic, and later transitioned into the era of the People's Republic. Proficient in three foreign languages (English, French, and Russian), he traveled extensively to numerous countries, making significant contributions to China's postal industry.

Since Xu Chuanxian joined the Shanghai Post Office as a postal trainee after dropping out from the first year of the Sino-French Institute of Technology in 1924, until his passing in Beijing in 1972, his entire career remained dedicated to the Chinese postal industry. Whether as a junior postal clerk at the Shanghai Post Office, representative of the Chinese Post Office in Vietnam and Myanmar, chief of lessons at the Chinese Post Office General Administration, later as director of the Shanghai Post Office, deputy chief and division chief of the Chinese Post Office General Administration, head of the East China Postal General Administration, Chinese representative to the Universal Postal Union Congress, and later, as deputy head of the International Relations Department of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and chief of the Chinese Post Office Liaison Bureau, where he attended an international conference as a representative of the People's Republic of China for the first time. Lastly, his role as a teacher at the Beijing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (now Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications). Throughout the changing tides of the times, what remained unchanged was his professionalism and dedication to serving the Chinese postal industry

Gu Zhi Yu Wang Shi 故纸与往事( Old Papers and the past)2022Ma,Jun 马军

This collection talks about scholars' work and story of Institute of History, Shanghai Academy of Social Science.

Min Guo Shi Qi Bao Ye Shi Liao Shang Hai Pian 民国时期报业史料 上海篇2021Kao, Yu-ya 高郁雅

The history of modern Shanghai newspapers can be roughly divided into four periods. The first period (1850 to 1895) witnessed their birth and initial development as Shanghai as a city began to take shape, marking the preliminary development phase of Shanghai newspapers. The second period (1895 to 1915) saw a breakthrough in development, with the support of democratic political movements and the protection of foreign concessions. This period solidified the development pattern of Shanghai newspapers, which became a necessity in the daily lives of the citizens. The third period (1915 to 1937) was characterized by comprehensive and stable development. The fourth period (1937 to 1949) experienced contraction and stagnation due to two significant wars: the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War. During this time, freedom of speech was restricted, exacerbated by issues like inflation, imposing immense operational pressure on the newspaper industry. By 1949, with the change in the Chinese political landscape, commercial newspapers were placed under strict military control by the new regime, leading to an unprecedented depression in the newspaper industry.

This book compiles diverse historical materials, including archives from the Shanghai Municipal Archives, recollections of journalists, and articles from newspapers and magazines. It is divided into three main themes:

  1. Newspaper Industry Overview, encompassing the basic characteristics of Shanghai's newspaper industry, the history of major newspapers in early 20th century Shanghai, and the functioning of newspaper industry associations.

  2. Newspaper Staff, providing insights into various types of staff in newspapers, such as educational qualifications, working hours, efficiency, and salaries required by printing workers. The book also includes contracts for proofreaders at that time, shedding light on the requirements for proofreading work. Information about the treatment of newspaper staff can be referenced from a comparison table of employee benefits between Xinwen Bao and Shen Bao, detailing the number of employees in each department, work standards, and remuneration methods.

  3. News Editing and Reporting, covering information collection in newspapers, and regulations related to editing news. It provides a detailed introduction to the production process of newspapers, including gathering news, editing, printing, and distribution, all meticulously documented.






Ci hang nan pu du 慈航难普渡2020Ruan, Qinghua 阮清华

This book focuses on the specific period of Shanghai's transformation from a traditional county town to a modern metropolis, with the development of folk charity as its main theme. For the first time, it systematically traces the historical development process of folk charity organizations in Shanghai and provides a classified description of the main charitable activities in the local community. It showcases how local gentry, merchants, and elites in Shanghai adapted traditional charitable ideas and philanthropic culture to meet the challenges of unprecedented changes, while also incorporating Western philanthropic thoughts and practices. Actively participating in urban construction and promoting Shanghai's urbanization process, they made significant contributions to the development of modern Shanghai.

本书立足于上海从传统县城向近代大都市转化这一特定时期, 以民间慈善事业的发展为主线,首次系统梳理了上海民间慈善组织产生以来的历史发展过程,并对上海民间慈善界的主要慈善活动进行了分类叙述,展现了上海地方绅商和精英们在面临三千年未有之变局的大背景下,改进传统慈善理念、慈善文化以适应新的局势,同时吸收西方慈善思想与具体做法,积极参与都市建设,推进上海都市化进程,为近代上海的发展作出了积极贡献。

Zai Zao Yu Zi Su 再造与自塑2020Liu, Yajuan 刘亚娟

From 1949 to 1965, the process of the Chinese Communist Party reshaping the new working class was also a journey of shaping 'new individuals.' The Communists attempted to erase the distinction between mental and manual labor, overturning deeply ingrained traditional Chinese notions such as 'all labor is demeaning except for reading,' and forging a new identity capable of engaging in physical labor while possessing advanced technology and culture. This identity was characterized as a 'worker-intellectual,' embodying both the role of a laborer and an intellectual. Essentially, this was a revolutionary transformation of the 'individual.' From a human perspective, the CCP's remaking of the working class was not only a transformation of human nature but also a rediscovery of the complexities within human nature.


Qing Pu Wang Zu 青浦望族2016Shang Hai Shi Qing Pu Qu Bo Wu Guan 上海市青浦区博物馆(Shanghai Qingpu Museum)

This book relies on various historical documents such as genealogies, local records, and tomb inscriptions to systematically analyze 86 prominent clans in the historical Qingpu region. The primary focus is on exploring the origins, lineage changes, characteristics, and societal contributions of these clans, with brief descriptions of representative figures within them. Additionally, to facilitate readers' understanding of the background of relevant surnames, each surname's research section provides an overview and a concise history of its development in Qingpu. The book also includes field investigations and records of the current status of the residences of some clans' descendants in Qingpu.


Rao Jia Ju Yu Zhan Shi Pin Min Bao Hu 饶家驹与战时平民保护2015Su,Zhiliang 苏智良

"From November 1937 to June 1940, a Frenchman named Robert Chales Emile Jacquinot de Besange, with his philanthropy, wisdom, and perseverance, established the Jacquinot Zone in Shanghai to provide aid and protection to over 300,000 Chinese refugees during the wartime. He was hailed as the 'Father of Refugees' and a 'Friend of China.'

This 'Shanghai Model' was later extended to Nanjing, Hankou, Guangzhou, and even to France, Germany, and played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The consensus to protect civilians during wartime became a driving force behind the advancement of human civilization.

After the war, Jacquinot passed away in Berlin, Germany, due to exhaustion from his efforts to assist German refugees. His philanthropic principles and compassionate character transcended national boundaries, race, religion, and political affiliations. His famous motto was, 'I will devote my last strength to those in misfortune!' He stands as a shining example of humanitarianism in the 20th century.

Despite spending 27 years of his life in China, Jacquinot 's touching deeds remain largely unknown. In November 2014, scholars from France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United States, South Korea, China, and other countries gathered in Shanghai to hold the first academic symposium on Jacquinot. They called for and anticipated that the heritage of the Jacquinot Refugee Zone should be recognized as a part of humanity's cultural legacy."

1937年11月至1940年6月,法国人饶家驹以他的博爱、智慧与坚韧,在上海创立救护战时平民的饶家驹区,保护了30多万中国难民,被称为“难民之父”、“中国之友”。 这个“上海模式”推广到南京、汉口、广州,乃至法国、德国,并推动日内瓦第四公约的订立。战时保护平民成为各国的共识,从而推动了人类文明的进步。 战后,饶家驹因救助德国难民劳累过度而死在德国柏林。饶家驹的“博爱主义”、慈悲情怀的高尚人格,超越了国家、种族、宗教与党派。他的名言是“我将为不幸的人,尽最后的力量!”他是20世纪世界人道主义的光辉典范。 然而,在中国生活了27年的饶家驹的感人事迹却鲜为人知。2014年11月,来自法、德、荷、美、韩、中等国的学者齐聚沪上,第一次主办饶家驹先生的学术研讨会,代表们呼吁并期待,饶家驹难民区的遗存应该成为人类文化遗产。

Yuan Qu De Du Shi 远去的都市2015Zhang, Jishun 张济顺

Some people say that the history of Shanghai is the 'darling' of the academic world, receiving special attention all along, and indeed, it is so. Renowned overseas scholars such as Frederic Evans Wakeman, Jr, Lee Ou-Fan, Yeh Wen-hsin, and others have produced classic research works about Shanghai, while within the domestic academic community, there is 'A Comprehensive History of Shanghai' edited by Xiong Yuezhi. The distinctive feature of this book lies in its focus not on macro-level narration, but rather on exploring the discontinuity and continuity of Shanghai's history in the early years of liberation from the perspective of micro-level social and cultural aspects such as lanes, cinemas, newspapers, and universities. During the 1950s, a period of profound upheaval, Shanghai's culture, ideas, and customs also retained certain inherent elements, hinting at the complexity of modernization as a comprehensive societal endeavor.

'Despite the city's departure, modernity still remains' — Did old Shanghai truly disappear without a trace? Has the local essence of Shanghai endured? How do the national agenda and urban presence interact?... Just as the questions continue to surface endlessly, almost every query is ripe for in-depth exploration, and each holds potential to spawn new inquiries. This book, starting from the perspectives of 'working people,' 'intellectuals and cultural figures,' and 'ordinary citizens,' reexamines the social and cultural landscape of 1950s Shanghai, with the aim of bringing back that departed city of historical significance into the realm of truth.

有人说上海史是历史学界的“宠儿”,一直受到特别的关注,确实如此。魏斐德、李欧梵、叶文心等海外著名学者都有关于上海的、堪称经典的研究著述,国内学界,则有熊月之主编的《上海通史》。本书特点表现在作者不是宏观叙事,而是从里弄、影院、报业、大学等社会文化微观层面探讨解放初期上海历史的断裂与延续。1950年代的上海,在经历天翻地覆大转折的时候,其文化、观念、习俗也延续着某些惯性的东西。由此也提示我们,整个社会的现代化是一个复杂系统的工程。 “都市远去,摩登犹在”——老上海是否曾消失得无踪影?上海的地方性是否延续?国家“入场”与都市“在场”怎样互动?……如同问题的发掘难以穷尽,几乎每一个问题都大有文章可做,且大有引发新问题的余地。本书仅从“劳动人民”“知识人与文化人”以及“小市民”三个研究主体出发,对1950年代的上海社会文化作一次重访,以期将历史巨变中那个远去的都市拉回到历史的真实中来。

Gui Tai Bao Shang Hai Xin Wen Bao Yan Jiu 柜台报:上海《新闻报》研究2015Kao, Yu-ya 高郁雅
Shang Hai Zhen Dang 上海珍档2014Shanghai Municipal Archives 上海市档案馆

Located at the estuary of Yangtze River, Shanghai boasts vast hinterland and busy water transportation.Along with her mild weather and abundant products, Shanghai has a natural advantage of promotingcommerce and trade. Ever before it was opened as a treaty port in 1843, Shanghai had already become a hubfor costal trades. Since 1843, Shanghai turned into a harbor importing Western goods and culture; conflictand fusion between Chinese and Western cultures took place, leading to the fast development of Shanghai'smodern economy and culture, as well as the rapid rise of the city. Today, Shanghai has become so charmingthat the talents as well as technology from all over the world flocked to her, making her a modern metropoliswith great cultural and economic prosperity.

Shanghai Municipal Archives keeps millions of volumes of dossiers that have witnessed the history ofShanghai. This book extracts some of the most memorable stories from the ocean of files, so that the readerscan have a glimpse of how Shanghai has evolved across the centuries.


Building Shanghai: The Story of China's Gateway2013 Edward Denison; Guang Yu Ren
Qing dai Shanghai sha chuan hang yun ye shi yan jiu 清代上海沙船航运业史研究2012Akira Matsuura 松浦章
Hui se Shanghai, 1937-1945-- Zhongguo wen ren de yin tui, fan kang yu he zuo 灰色上海,1937-1945, 中国文人的隐退、反抗与合作2012Fu, Baoshi 傅葆石
Zhongguo yu Zhongguo ren ying xiang 中国与中国人影像2012约翰·汤姆逊
Jin Dai Shang Hai De Bai Huo Gong Si Yu Du Shi Wen Hua 近代上海的百货公司与都市文化2012Toshio Kikuthi 菊池敏夫 Trans by Chen Zu'en 陈祖恩

"The Fusion of Department Stores and Urban Culture in Modern Shanghai" integrates the research achievements of the author, Toshio Kikuchi, up to the present day. It focuses on the department stores owned by Chinese national capital that once appeared on Nanjing Road in Shanghai. From the perspective of the diverse urban functions they possessed, this book analyzes the history of these department stores. It elucidates how Shanghai's department stores, with their urban and entertainment functions, led the development of consumer culture and urban culture in 'Modern Shanghai' during the 1920s and 1930s. Furthermore, as multifunctional commercial facilities rich in urban attributes, the book examines their contribution to the development of Shanghai as a city.

The viewpoints presented in this book not only significantly alter people's preexisting impressions of department stores, but also clearly define the crucial role and central position that Shanghai's department stores played in the development of modern Shanghai's commercial and urban culture. Grounded in present-day Shanghai while envisioning its future, the Japanese historian engages in a sincere dialogue with the past. The research outcomes achieved by this exploration of Shanghai's history will undoubtedly receive high praise within Chinese academic circles as well.


Hu jinquan tan dian ying 胡金铨谈电影2011Hu, Jinquan 胡金铨
Du Hui Jing Ji Lun Li Yu Jin Dai Zhong Guo 都會經濟倫理與近代中國2010Yeh, Wen-hsin 葉文心

The prosperity and magnificence of Shanghai, at its inception, were a 'maritime marvel'. This city, full of legends, transformed from a county town on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River into one of East Asia's premier international trading ports within a mere century after the Opium Wars. It collectively challenged and reshaped China's traditional cultural order through the elements of 'foreign' influence, commerce, and women's roles. Amidst the Western winds of capitalism, Shanghai exemplified the early stages of China's capitalist development, making it an indispensable facet of Chinese modernity.

After 1949, under Communist policies, Shanghai was designated as an industrial hub, its former splendor washed away. It wasn't until the 1990s that China turned back to Shanghai in pursuit of modernity, propelling the city to prosperity once again.

This unprecedented city and economic force in Chinese history—how did it challenge and influence the broader Chinese society and culture? This book delves into the social and cultural history of Shanghai from 1843 to 1949, meticulously examining its finance, publishing, and modern retail industries. Yip Man-Sen vividly portrays China's first urban middle class through this exploration. In the early 20th century, when China's national role was relatively weak, this new affluent class, viewing commerce and consumption as patriotic endeavors, not only gained legitimacy within Confucian society but also became a driving force behind the transformation of Shanghai and a key player in the development of modern Chinese politics and nationalism.

The new often has roots in the old, and Yeh Wen-hsin argues that Shanghai has once again positioned itself at the heart of Chinese modernity, albeit with substantial efforts dedicated to unearthing its historical memories. Thus, to comprehend contemporary Shanghai, one must revisit the period prior to 1949—a Shanghai where Eileen Chang once lived, loved, and indulged. Whether the contemporary affluent class of Shanghai will once more assume a role in propelling national transformation might be glimpsed through the historical analysis presented in this book.


  這個中國歷史上史無前例的城市與經濟,對廣大中國的社會與文化構成什麼挑戰與影響?本書回顧一八四三年至一九四九年的上海社會文化史,透過細細考察上海的金融、出版和現代百貨業,葉文心生動描繪中國第一批城市中產階層。在國家角色尚弱的二十世紀初期,這個新富階層在從商與消費被視為愛國志業的觀念下,不僅取得在儒家社會的正當性,從而改變了上海, 更成為近代中國政治與民族主義發展的主要力量。


He You Zhi Hua Lao Shang Hai 贺友直画老上海2010He,Youzhi 贺友直


"Shikumen, Balemen, Huangbaoche, newspaper vendors, flower sellers, shoemakers... These scenes and characters are familiar to those who know 'Old Shanghai.' During the Golden Week of the National Day holiday in October, Mr. He Youzhi, a famous traditional Chinese painter and a luminary in the world of comic strips, has created nearly a hundred meticulous Chinese paintings depicting the customs and traditions of old Shanghai in recent years. These works reanimate the old Shanghai style, unlocking the memories of countless 'Old Shanghai'.

Crossing empire's edge : Foreign Ministry police and Japanese expansionism in Northeast Asia2009Esselstrom, Erik
Gated communities in China : class, privilege and the moral politics of the good life2009Pow, Choon-Piew
Zhongguo si xiang shi yan jiu 中国思想史研究2009岛田虔次
Shanghai political & economic reports, 1842-1943 [Vol. 13 1921-1924]2008This collection of primary documents, establishes a comprehensive series of despatches, in the main from the British consul in Shanghai to the British ambassador to China based usually in Peking, but in the 1930s based in Shanghai itself. The form and extent of communications vary during the period, and include annual reports and trade returns, judicial reviews, despatches on topics of interest and telegrams on urgent matters. After 1920 series of quarterly political reports and six-monthly intelligence summaries are initiated, and some other irregular periodic reports emerge. There is regular information on the government of the Settlement, and reports on the opium trade; there are extended reports, in 1856, on the continuing Taiping Rebellion, and later, reports on the Sino-Japanese war over the control of Korea; from 1901-11 reports include: the Boxer Rebellion; commentary on the French settlement; anti-government conspirators in Shanghai; the Russo-Japanese war; the Shanghai tramway system; the bubonic plague in Shanghai; the Chinese revolution of 1911-12; British intelligence reports on German activities, 1914-18; and in the mid-1920s telegrams reflect the impact of the civil war in China, and report “the Shanghai incident”. The collection of documents ends with the winding up of the Settlement under wartime Japanese occupation, and numerous papers in 1942 carry discussion of this conclusion.
Pin wei she hua 品味奢华2008Wu, Renshu 巫仁恕
Zhongguo xin wen yu lun shi 中国新闻舆论史2008Lin, Yutang 林语堂
The Jacquinot safe zone Wartime refugees in Shanghai2008Marcia R.Ristaino
Zuo tu you shi yu xi xue dong jian - Wan qing hua bao yan jiu 左图右史与西学东渐-晚清画报研究2008Chen Pingyuan 陈平原
Quan zheng yi zhen 券证遗珍 /2007Chen, Cai 陈采
Kang zhan yu zhan hou Zhongguo 抗战与战后中国2007Yang, Tianshi 杨天石
Kang zhan yu zhan hou Zhongguo 抗战与战后中国2007Yang, Tianshi 杨天石
Bai Long Shan Ren Wang Yi Ting Zhuan 白龙山人:王一亭传2007Chen,Zu'en 陈祖恩 Li,Huaxing 李华兴

"The Biographical Account of Bai Longshan Ren: Wang Yiting" is the most comprehensive biography of Mr. Wang Yiting to date, presented in a hardcover edition with numerous illustrations, making it exceptionally thorough. Wang Yiting (1867—1938), also known as Bai Longshan Ren, hailed from Wuxing, Zhejiang (now Huzhou). At the age of 13, he became an apprentice at the Shenyu Bank in Shanghai and pursued foreign language studies in his spare time at the Guang Fang Yan Hall.

In the 13th year of the Guangxu reign (1887), he started working on the "Tian Yu" sandboat engaged in maritime trade. He eventually rose to the position of manager for the vessel. In the 33rd year of the Guangxu reign (1907), he was appointed as a buyer for the Japanese Nichi-Sei Steamship Company in Shanghai, concurrently holding a similar position with the Osaka Shosen Kaisha Company.

During the periods of the Xinhai Revolution and the "Second Revolution," he supported and funded the revolutionary cause. He successively held positions such as Minister of Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce of the Shanghai Military Government, director of the China Electric Corporation, director of the Bank of China Commercial Savings, director of the Dada Inland Navigation Company, and chairman of the Huzhou Electric Light Company.

From the 1st to the 3rd year of the Xuantong reign (1909—1911), he served as the director of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce and Industry for three consecutive terms. In the 1st year of the Republic of China (1912), he was elected as an associate director of the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce. He was elected twice as a director of the chamber during the 5th and 7th years of the Republic of China.

Later, he became the chairman of the Central Relief Preparation Fund. Wang Yiting was a devout Buddhist, holding various positions including executive committee member and executive chairman of the Chinese Buddhist Association, chairman of the Buddhist Publication Society, and chief of the World Buddhist Laity Association.

In his later years, he devoted himself to painting and various charitable endeavors. He co-founded the Chinese and Foreign Aid Society, orphanages, disability centers, the Chinese Relief Fund for Women and Children, Tongren Fuyuan Tang, and Pushan Shanzhuang. After the August 13th Incident, he initiated the establishment of a refugee relief organization and the creation of refugee shelters."


20世纪中国翻译史2005Fang,Huawen 方华文
Zhongguo yin shi wen hua shi 中国饮食文化史2005Zhao Rongguang 赵荣光
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
Shang hai dao qi 上海道契 (一八四七--一九一一) 2005Cai Yutian (ed.) 蔡育天
1948 Nian Shang Hai Wu Chao An 1948年:上海舞潮案2005Ma,Jun 马军

This book is an investigation into a political event that occurred half a century ago—the Shanghai Dance Tide Case. The event was triggered by the Nationalist government's decree in September 1947, during the 'Suppression of Bandits and Building of the Nation' campaign, which banned all commercial dance halls nationwide, causing unprecedented upheaval in the Shanghai dance industry and eliciting strong societal reactions.

On January 31, 1948, in response to the Social Affairs Bureau's advance lottery and unilateral implementation of the dance ban, the dance industry personnel marched to petition, but Director Wu Kaixian refused to meet with them. In their anger, the dance industry members collectively destroyed the bureau's office building. Following the incident, about 400 dance girls were arrested by the police, and several of them were sentenced by traitors. The government was eventually forced to revoke the ban, and the sensational Dance Tide Case came to an end.

The Dance Tide Case left behind a long-standing puzzle in Shanghai's history. Despite various existing narratives, comprehensive explanations about its origins, development, climax, and conclusion are often lacking. Related stories and anecdotes are scattered in miscellaneous and obscure literary materials, receiving little attention for a long time. However, one thing has always been clear—it was not a premeditated or organized political action, which might be the reason it has been coldly treated in the field of domestic historical research. The Dance Tide Case seems to be a low-key and short melody that does not quite harmonize with the prevailing anti-civil war theme in post-war Shanghai. It was prematurely overshadowed by the scattered memories of the elderly about soaring prices, labor strikes, frequent student movements, and the roaring police cars in post-war Shanghai, gradually fading and becoming obscure with the passage of time, leaving no trace behind.



Guo Min Dang De Xin Wen Xuan Chuan Yu Zhan Hou Zhong Guo Zheng Ju Bian Dong 国民党的新闻宣传与战后中国政局变动2005Kao, Yu-ya 高郁雅


In reality, during the period of losing the mainland, the KMT's propaganda played a crucial role. Despite the KMT gradually finding itself in a disadvantaged position in terms of military, politics, economy, and diplomacy after the war, the dissemination of these defeats would not have been so rapid without the CCP's influential propaganda efforts. Faced with the formidable propaganda offensive by the CCP, the KMT's party-controlled news system was unable to mount a strong counterattack. In fact, excessive news control on the KMT's part became a source of the turn towards privately-owned newspapers. What problems did the KMT's propaganda face at that time? How does the failure in propaganda relate to the shift in political power between the KMT and the CCP? These critical questions have not been addressed in the academic community in the past. This article attempts to break new ground by examining the transformation of China's post-war political situation from the perspective of propaganda.



Wu Sa Yun Dong Shi Liao Di San Juan 五卅运动史料(第三卷)2005Shang Hai She Hui Ke Xue Yuan Li Shi Yan Jiu Suo 上海社会科学院历史研究所

The materials compiled in this volume constitute the fourth part of 'Historical Materials of the May Thirtieth Movement': the development of the May Thirtieth Movement across the country, support from overseas Chinese and the international community; and the fifth part: the repression and sabotage of the May Thirtieth Movement by imperialism and warlord governments.


1927-1937 nian de Shanghai : shi zheng quan, di fang xing he xian dai hua 1927-1937 年的上海 : 市政权, 地方性和现代化2004Henriot, Christian 安克强 An Keqiang
Selling happiness : calendar posters and visual culture in early twentieth-century Shanghai2004Laing, Ellen Johnston
Wan qing nü xing yu jin dai zhongguo 晚清女性与近代中国2004Xia, Xiaohong 夏晓虹
Tou shi lao shang hai 透视老上海2004Xiong, Yuezhi 熊月之 高纲博文
Zhui xun xian dai zhongguo-- 1600-1912 nian de zhongguo li shi 追寻现代中国—1600-1912年的中国历史2004Jonathan D. Spence
Lao Shanghai su yu tu shuo da quan 老上海俗语图说大全2004MENG, Zhaochen 孟兆臣
Jin Dai Shang Hai Hei She Hui 近代上海黑社会2004Su, Zhiliang 苏智良 Chen, Lifei 陈丽菲

"The Modern Shanghai Underworld" narrates the emergence and growth of the Shanghai underworld in a specific historical context, as well as the social and cultural factors that contributed to its astonishing criminal activities. The book delves into the roots of its formation, the jaw-dropping crimes it committed, and the structural aspects of its organization. It also explores how its members were selected and subjected to re-education, while examining their beliefs, cultural levels, lifestyles, family compositions, communication methods, and the main types and characteristics of their activities. Such questions remain largely unexplored, lacking a profound and accurate historical response.

The significance of this exploration goes beyond filling the gap in research; it is essential to help people gain a deeper, more vivid, and comprehensive understanding of modern Chinese society. Furthermore, it serves as a mirror that can provide valuable insights for governing today's society. Sensible observers cannot overlook that contemporary China, undergoing rapid transformations, might be fostering certain conditions and environments conducive to the germination of some elements of the underworld. If left unchecked, the sprouting of these malignant forces may evolve into a social cancer akin to the modern Shanghai underworld. This is not an alarmist view. If this work can provoke multi-faceted reflections from the historical to the contemporary, then our purpose will have been fulfilled.

The primary sources for this book are derived from newspapers, periodicals, and special collections published before the liberation era, memoirs, writings by underworld figures, criminal archives held by the public security system, and the social surveys conducted by the author.

《近代上海黑社会》讲述了:上海黑社会是在什么历史土壤里萌芽,又凭借何种社会风水而成长?它那令人瞠目结舌的犯罪是如何产生的,其内容的结构又是怎样?它的成员通过什么途径被选中并接受再教育?其信仰、文化水准、生活方式、家庭构成、联络方式,以及主要活动的类型与特点,诸如此类的问题,都还未曾有深刻而准确的历史回答。 需要指出的是,这一探讨的意义,不仅是为了填补这一研究的空白,更重要的是,它可以帮助人们更深刻、更形象、更全面地了解近代中国社会,并为治理当今社会提供一面可资借鉴的镜子。敏感的人们不难观察到,处于急速变化中的当代中国社会,由于某些气候、土壤的因缘际会,黑社会的部分因子已悄悄地种下,并以决不缓慢的速度在破土萌芽。这些恶势力的萌芽如不得到及时的抑制,就有可能演化为如上海近代黑社会这样的都市之癌。这并非危言耸听。如果拙作能引起人们从近代社会到当代社会的多方面思索,那我们的目的也就达到了。 本书所据史料主要来自解放前出版的报纸、刊物、专录,帮会人物撰写的回忆录、著作,公安系统所存的犯罪档案,及笔者所进行的社会调查。

Shanghai in transition : changing perspectives and social contours of a Chinese metropolis2003Gamble, Jos
Zhongguo de fu nü yu cai chan 中国的妇女与财产2003Bai,Kai 白凯
Zhongguo jin dai si xiang shi lun 中国近代思想史论2003Wang ermin 王尔敏
Wei xian de yu yue- 20 shi ji Shanghai de chang ji wen ti yu xian dai xing 危险的愉悦-20世纪上海的娼妓问题与现代性2003Gail Hershatter
Nihon senryōka Shanhai ni okeru Nitchū yōjin intabyū no kiroku : Kimura Hideo cho "Ajia saiken hiroku, haisen zen'ya" 日本占領下上海における日中要人インタビューの記錄 : 木村英夫著「亜細亜再建秘錄-敗戦前2002Takatsuna Hirofumi (ed.) 高綱博文
Jiu fu yu min - Shanghai qian zhuang piao tu shi 九府裕民—上海钱庄票图史2002Fu Weiqun 傅为群
Xin zhongguo dian ying shi 新中国电影史2002Yin, Hong 尹鸿;Ling, Yan 凌燕
Xi fang mei shu dong jian shi 西方美术东渐史2002GUAN, Wei 关卫
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