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Full referenceBetta, Chiara, “From Orientals to Imagined Britons: Baghdadi Jews in Shanghai” (2003)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Betta, Chiara
Title“From Orientals to Imagined Britons: Baghdadi Jews in Shanghai”
JournalModern Asian Studies,
Start page999
End page1023
Keywordsforeigners; social; jews;
AbstractExplores the experiences of Baghdadi Jews in Shanghai in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Baghdadi diaspora was a result of the Ottoman Empire's persecution of Jews. In 1845, Elias David Sassoon founded the Shanghai branch of his family's business, David Sassoon, Sons & Co., in the International Settlement. Many employees through the 1880's were Baghdadi Jews from India, and some eventually started their own companies. These upper-class traders pursued close ties with the British in Shanghai. The Sassoons dealt in real estate, opium (until made illegal in 1917), brokerage, and import and export activities. Most of these affluent Baghdadi Jews became highly Anglicized. Although their first language was Judaeo-Arabic, they had strong English-language skills and adopted British dress and customs early on.
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