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Document ID Original title Year Year range Transliteration 

1735Land use in the urban area (2012)2012

1736Land use in the urban area (1982)2012

1737Land use in the urban area (1997)2012

1738Land use in the urban area (2003)2012

1739The distribution of towns and villages around Shanghai in 1932

1740Urban extension and the disappearance of villages around Shanghai (1932-2012)2012

1741The distribution of hutments and industrial workforce in the late 1940s2012

1742The distribution of hutments and factories in the late 1940s2012

1743The distribution of factories and workshops in 19472012

1744The distribution of factories and workshops in 1947 (250-meter grid)2012

1745The density of industrial concerns in the Shanghai urban area (1947)2012

1746The distribution of hutments and industrial workforce in the late 1940s2012

1747Capital value of industrial concerns in 19472012

1748Distribution of the factories and workshops with capital under US$1002012

1749The distribution of industrial workforce in 19472012

1750Distribution and typology of the factories above 1,000 workers2012

1751"Industrial streets" in 19472012

1752The top largest factories by capital (above US$150,000) and workforce (above 1,000 workers)2012

1753The chemical industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1754The food industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1755The machinery manufacturing industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1756The printing industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1757The cotton industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1758The silk industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1759The tobacco industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1760The chemical industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1761The construction industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1762The electrical industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1763The food industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1764The machine manufacturing industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1765The metal products industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1766The paper industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1767The printing industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1768The rubber & plastic industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1769The cotton industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1770The silk industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1771The textile industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1772The chemical industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1773The leather & shoe industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1774Linkages? The location of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries in 19472012

1775Linkages? The location of the metal products and machine manufacturing industries in 19472012

1776Linkages? The location of the textile and machine manufacturing industries in 19472012

1777Linkages? The location of the paper and printing industries in 19472012

1824A map of the foreign settlements at Shanghai1904
1842Concession française de Shanghai - Cadastre - Plans des sectios1902

1851Map of Shanghae. April 1849 : foreign residences 1849

1852Projet de tramways pour la Concession Française de Shanghai, Chine. Plan du réseau (Concession et abords)1903

1853Projet de tramways pour la Concession Française de Shanghai1903

1854上海市歷史文化風貌區和保護建築地圖2008Shanghai shi lishi wenhua fengmao qu he baohu jianzhu ditu

1855上海城區交通圖2011Shanghai chengqu jiaotong tu

1856上海地圖 - 大城區詳圖2012Shanghai ditu - dachengqu xiangtu


1858Orphelinat de T'ou-Sè-We

1859Zi=ka=wei (Zikawei - Xujiahui)

1860上海市土產展覽交流大會會場全圖1951Shanghai shi tuchan zhanlan jiaoliu dahui huichang quantu


1862Plan cadastral1881


1864Plan comparatif des villes de Paris et de Shanghai1932

1865Map of Shanghai, its environs, Hangchow bay, Yantse Mouth, Tai Hu Lake, Shanghai-Nanking Railway, Shanghai-Hangchow Railway
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