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原始題名Evolution of the industrial workforce in the International Settlement (1936-1938)
拼音Evolution of the industrial workforce in the International Settlement (1936-1938)
系列Virtual Shanghai
作者Isabelle Durand
制图师Isabelle Durand
资料类型及分辨率PNG 300dpi
简介This map shows the impact of war on the industrial workforce in the International Settlement. It is based on the July 1936 and July 1938 surveys by the Shanghai Municipal Police. The 1937 survey is currently missing. This provides a view of how many factories disappeared or were established between the two dates, and where they were located in relation with the areas that were destroyed by bombings and fires during the Sino-Japanese hostilities of August-November 1937. This map belongs to a series that documents the changing geography of industry in Shanghai between 1936 and 1940. It is also related to a more general study of industries in the International Settlement from 1930 onward.

This map was produced as part of the "Cities in turmoil" project generously supported by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (2010-2012).

关键字industry ; economy ; war ; factory ; workshop ; 1937 ; conflict ; hostilities ; Japan ; military ; turmoil

All copyrights are held by the Virtual Shanghai Project.

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