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題名天堂春梦 - Dream in paradise - Tian tang chun meng
導演Tang Xiaodan 汤晓丹
編劇Xu Changlin 徐昌霖
演員Shi Yu 石羽 
Lan Ma 蓝马
Shangguan Yunzhu 上官云珠

發行社Zhong yang dian ying she ying chag - 中央电影摄影场 - Central Film
劇情Upon hearing the news of the Japanese surrender in Aug. 1945, the architect Ding Jianhua and his wife Shulan dream of returning to Shanghai, building a house and staring a new life. When they move to the city, they are welcomed by Ding's friend, Gong, who offers to host the couple and Ding's mother. Gong has become rich helping the Japanese and now hopes to exploit Ding's connections withe the government. But Ding's connections do not turn out to be so powerful and Gong's attitude changes. He asks Ding and his family to move into a small attic room. Ding cannot find a job, and Shulan is about to give birth to her baby.

In desperation, Ding gives Gong all he has, including his new-born son and a blueprint of his dream house. Shulan believes that the baby has been taken to an orphanage, ut when he finds out th truth, she tries to get her baby back. Gong's wife, who feels no affection for the baby, is ready to return him to Shulan. The film ends with a shot of Ding, his wife, and his mother on a street, looking at their dream house that now belongs to someone else. (Encyclopedia of Chinese Film, ed. Xiao Zhiwei, Zhang Yingjin)
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