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題名Shang Hai Lin Zhao 上海麟爪
作者Yu, Muxia 郁慕侠
出版社Shanghai shu dian chu ban she 上海书店出版社
出版地Shanghai 上海

This book was published in 1933 by the Shanghai Evening Post & Mercury Press. The author, Yu Muxia, was a native of Qingpu in Shanghai and had achieved the title of "Xiucai" in the late Qing dynasty's imperial examination. During the Republican era, he worked for various newspapers, including the 'Current Events News' and the 'Shanghai Morning Post.'

The term '鳞爪' (linzhao) metaphorically refers to fragments of events. The book 'Shanghai Moments' primarily focuses on the appearance of old Shanghai during the 1920s to 1930s. It covers a wide range of aspects of life within the international settlements of that time, providing intricate descriptions that encompassed various domains. The book delves into meticulous portrayals of life in the concessions, depicting characters from different strata of society. It also exposes the shadowy corners of society such as gambling houses, courtesans, and opium dens, unveiling the world of hidden creatures and spirits. Through the use of coded language and insider secrets, the writing vividly and engagingly captures the social landscape of old Shanghai, allowing readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the societal customs and human interactions on the bustling shores of that era.


關鍵字(英文)Shanghai, Underworld, Gang; Social History, Drug, Gambling, Prostitution
題目Society History of Shanghai, Entertainment history of Shanghai, Underworld, Gang, Drug, Gambling, Prostitution
歷史時期Late Qing Dynasty and Republican China
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