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資料編號 題名 作者 年份 
130Address of the Health Offices (Public Health Department) in the International Settlement (1927)Shanghai Municipal Council1927
207Addresses in Shanghai before 1949Christian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist)1949
208Addresses in Shanghai before 1949 (1989 map)Christian Henriot - Isabelle Durand (GIS specialist)1989
20Age at death of members of the Cloth Guild (衣業公所) in ShanghaiChristian Henriot1928
157Age at time of death in the International Settlement (1900-1940)Shanghai Municipal Council1900
122Age structure and marital status of the Chinese population in five districts of the Shanghai Municipality (1945-1946)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1945
86Age structure of the Chinese and foreign population by police district in the International Settlement (1942)Shanghai Municipal Council1942
85Age structure of the Chinese and foreign population in the International Settlement (1942)Shanghai Municipal Council1942
97Age structure of the Chinese population in the French Concession (1878-1937)French Municipal Administration1878
79Age structure of the Chinese population in the International Settlement (1930 & 1935)Shanghai Municipal Council1930
84Age structure of the Chinese population in the International Settlement (1935)Shanghai Municipal Council1870
140Age structure of the Chinese population in the Western District of the International Settlement (1942)Shanghai Municipal Council1942
90Age structure of the foreign population in the French Concession (1937)French Municipal Administration1937
80Age structure of the foreign population in the International Settlement (1870-1935)Shanghai Municipal Council1870
136Age structure of the population in the Chinese Municipality (1930-1932)Shanghai shi zhengfu 上海市政府1930
128Age structure the population in the Hongkou district of the Shanghai Municipality (1948)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1948
129Age structure, marital status, and household registration of the Chinese population in the Huxi (Western) district of the Shanghai Municipality (1942)Shanghai tebie shi zhengfu 上海特別市政府1942
126Annual number inbound and outbound migrants in the Chinese Municipality (1930-1932)Shanghai shi zhengfu 上海市政府1930
45Area of the urban and rural districts of the Shanghai MunicipalityWang Jichang & Luo Zhiru1929
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