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題名Main gate of the Hardoon Garden
系列Virtual Shanghai
地點Shanghai IS
圖像類型Black and white photograph
註文The Hardoon Gardens was the largest garden of Shanghai, covering more than 170mu (7 mu=1 acre). It was built in 1909 by Jewish millionaire Silas Hardoon, a wealthy Jewish merchant of British nationality. The garden contained more than 80 scenic sights, although most of these were pavilions and storied buildings, not much different from the structures of the other gardens. It had also a shrine and rooms for sutra-reading, because Mrs. Hardoon was a devout Buddhist. To provide a quiet surrounding even the tramcar was made to change its route near the garden. However, a big fire in the 1930's destroyed it and reduced it to rubble.In 1955 they built up the actual Shanghai Exhibition Center.
關鍵字(英文)Hardoon ; park ;
關鍵字(法文)Hardoon;parc;jardin ;
街道名稱Bubbling Well
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