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2208Geonames China (populated places)2022

2209Genonames Taiwan (populated places)2022

2180Shanghai in context2018

2181The 1932 Shanghai Battle: The Space of War2018

2182The 1932 Shanghai Battle: The Space-Time of War2018

2183The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Chinese defense lines (full)2018

2184The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Chinese defense lines (simplified)2018

2185The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Japanese spent bullets2018

2186The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Japanese fired shells2018

2187The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Japanese artillery range2018

2188The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Japanese soldiers killed in action2018

2189The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Japanese casualties2018

2190The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Chinese casualties2018

2191The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Chinese officers of the 88th Division killed in action2018

2192The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Chinese officers of the 19th and 5th armies killed in action2018

2193The 1932 Shanghai Battle: Chinese and Japanese artillery range2018

359Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1937-1940) - Children (under 5 years)2016Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1938) - Children (under 5 years)

2024Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1937-1940) - Adults (above 15 years)2016

2038Secteurs et postes de police de 1906 à 1912 [Concession française]2016

2039Secteurs et postes de police de 1912 à 1918 [Concession française]2016

2040Secteurs et postes de police de 1918 à 1929 [Concession française]2016

2041Secteurs et postes de police en 1930 [Concession française]2016

2042Secteurs et postes de police de 1931 à 1943 [Concession française]2016

1899Gli Italiani a Sciangai 1608-19492013

1648The August-September bombings of civilians in Shanghai2012

1704Shanghai, végétation2012

1734Land use in the urban area (1973)2012

1735Land use in the urban area (2012)2012

1736Land use in the urban area (1982)2012

1737Land use in the urban area (1997)2012

1738Land use in the urban area (2003)2012

1740Urban extension and the disappearance of villages around Shanghai (1932-2012)2012

1741The distribution of hutments and industrial workforce in the late 1940s2012

1742The distribution of hutments and factories in the late 1940s2012

1743The distribution of factories and workshops in 19472012

1744The distribution of factories and workshops in 1947 (250-meter grid)2012

1745The density of industrial concerns in the Shanghai urban area (1947)2012

1746The distribution of hutments and industrial workforce in the late 1940s2012

1747Capital value of industrial concerns in 19472012

1748Distribution of the factories and workshops with capital under US$1002012

1749The distribution of industrial workforce in 19472012

1750Distribution and typology of the factories above 1,000 workers2012

1751"Industrial streets" in 19472012

1752The top largest factories by capital (above US$150,000) and workforce (above 1,000 workers)2012

1753The chemical industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1754The food industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1755The machinery manufacturing industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1756The printing industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1757The cotton industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1758The silk industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1759The tobacco industry in the (ex-)International Settlement in 1940 and 19472012

1760The chemical industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1761The construction industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1762The electrical industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1763The food industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1764The machine manufacturing industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1765The metal products industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1766The paper industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1767The printing industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012

1768The rubber & plastic industry in 1947 (location, capital, workforce)2012
796 results (1/14 pages)           
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