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文件編號 原始題名 年份 年代 拼音 

82Downtown Shanghai1980

293Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1937)2006Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1937)

297Destroyed Areas in August-October 193720062006 - 2014Destroyed Areas in August-October 1937

357Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1938) - Adults (above 15 years)2007Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1938) - Adults (above 15 years)

358Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1938)2007Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1938)

359Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1937-1940) - Children (under 5 years)2016Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1938) - Children (under 5 years)

470Da shanghai xin ditu1949Da shanghai xin ditu

704Districts in the Shanghai walled city (1882)2009

795Distribution of Chinese and Japanese forces on the eve of the January 28, 1932 attack2010

862Distribution of factories in the International Settlement in 1936 and bombed areas in 19372011Distribution of factories in the International Settlement in 1936 and bombed areas in 1937

863Distribution of factories in the International Settlement in 1938 and bombed areas in 19372011Distribution of industry in the International Settlement in 1938 and bombed areas in 1937

864Distribution of factories in the International Settlement in 1939 and bombed areas in 19372011Distribution of industry in the International Settlement in 1939 and bombed areas in 1937

865Distribution of factories in the International Settlement in 1940 and bombed areas in 19372011Distribution of industry in the International Settlement in 1940 and bombed areas in 1937

885Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1936)2011Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1936)

886Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1939)2011Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1939)

887Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1940)2011Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1940)

1540Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1931-1943)1931-1943Distribution of Abandoned Corpses and Coffins in the International Settlement (1931-1943)

1690Delta du Yangzi. eau et axes routiers2011

1691Delta du Yangzi, eau et axes routiers 2011

1748Distribution of the factories and workshops with capital under US$1002012

1750Distribution and typology of the factories above 1,000 workers2012

2024Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1937-1940) - Adults (above 15 years)2016

2025Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1937-1940) - Children (under 5 years)2007Distribution of exposed corpses in the French Concession (1938)
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